About Honey


I first picked up a camera at age 15 and loved it so much, I haven’t stopped shooting since. I believe photography and videography can be a practice in mindfulness — because searching for what is beautiful about life is a real gift… a gift that’s kept me inspired and working as a full-time photographer for 20+ years.

I also love beekeeping, fermenting and growing food, making sourdough and foraging mushrooms. And I’m currently learning a lot about sustainable housing. Because, in late 2020, my family bought 10 acres on Djiringanj Country, near Bermagui in New South Wales. Since then, we’ve lived between a caravan and a shed as we build our own passive solar home from scratch. It’s been a wild ride!


Ready to level-up the visuals for your business?

My passion is helping creatives, makers, farmers and small business owners document your products, services and lifestyles through truly authentic photos and videos — that help your business grow and thrive. I particularly love working with women in business who value deep connections, slow living, sustainable choices, and a commitment to something greater than themselves.


Ways to work together

If you’re seeking authentic, warm and beautiful brand imagery, but you don’t want heavily staged and styled photos or video — we’re likely a perfect fit for working together.

For business owners based in the Bega Valley and wider NSW south coast, I offer a range of affordable photo and video packages, plus regularly host small group workshops.

Or join my online Phone Photography for Business Owners course from anywhere in the world and learn to take excellent brand photos yourself.

rural living

Here’s a snippet of life on our 10-acre property during mid-summer. This footage is all shot and edited on my iphone. The garden is powering, our house is nearly built and we’re soaking up the magic of abundance and warmth before the days get shorter and cooler.


Behind the lens

My Inspiration Is

The flow of life, curved shapes, golden beams of light, dancing shadows, nature, joy, stillness, leading lines and your unique essence.

My Style Is

Warm and light-filled with bursts of sunflares whenever possible. Joy-filled, environmental portraits that are authentic and not heavily styled.

My constant aim is

To find genuine connection. Laugh, play and capture not only ‘what’ you look like, but your essence. Imperfectly perfect.


Extra things about me


featured projects


Phone Photography for Business Owners

Ready to level-up your business visuals but don’t have the budget to hire a professional? This 4-step online course (which you can complete in less than a day) gives you all the skills to execute your own beautiful brand photography and videography — using just your mobile phone.